Monday, May 5, 2014

Another Shift....

Though not quite as dramatic. I am still in the basic development of my story so this could happen quite a bit.
I have changed the time period from 1811 to the 1840's. I was originally going to do the late 1840's to early 1850's because in England at this time was the great exhibition which I greatly wanted my character's to attend. I had also discovered one Janet Taylor a real female astronomer at that time who was actually at the Great Exhibition. I want my character to meet this real woman. As I started to develop the plot a little more I also had a vision of my heroine going to live in Ireland (since I have ancestors and a great love of Ireland) But I also wanted something to bring her back to England.... Just before the great Exhibition was the Great Famine in Ireland in the mid 40's to early 50's. I thought, including this devastating part of history in my book would prove not only a challenge but also a wonderful opportunity to study more about what brought my own ancestor James Patrick McGinnis to America.

So as part of the plot Nora (my heroine) is sent to live with family in Ireland but then her and her Aunt and Uncle are forced back to England because of the Famine (There is  reason they don't just go to America but you will have to wait to read the book to see why!) And I still intend to include Janet Taylor!

I also discovered this book
Front Cover
It is pretty expensive but Cody says he might be able to check it out through inter-library loan! I hope so, this would be so wonderful to read!

by Andy Prokh.

If you listen to the song Make This Leap by The Hunts in my playlist there is a line that says.
"We were young, I used my paper telescope to show you the stars and then win your heart"
At first when I heard this line I wanted to include this imagery in the story and I initially wanted to make it a scene between Nora (my heroine) and Garrett (my Hero) but have since decided that I really want this to be a scene between her and her Astronomer Father.... a memory from when she was very small and first introduced to Astronomy by her father and eventually falls in love with the science.