Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Nook and Notebook

My Nook - 
Cody gave me this card (middle) A couple of years ago, when I first wanted to write a story. He bought me a notebook paper and a folder as well. He is such a supportive husband and I am so thankful for him. :)

My awesome corner of the studio. It's like a real Pinterest Board! :) I love my little corner. I would love to get a vintage typewriter... Mom, whose getting yours? ;) I also love that it is a shared room with my husband and his art studio! We love hanging out in there together! 

My notebook. yes.... I painted the front. I wanted to try my hand at watercolor...if you can even tell that's watercolor. I really don't know what I am doing. And before you get away with yourself.... I totally copied another picture I found online. Also, the reason the people look like they have a burst coming from them is because I totally messed up the guys outline and I went back over it but the color was off so I just fudged it made them look like they are shining or something....

The original picture. I would source it but I really don't know who painted it. 
Anyways, within this notebook I keep any all information for my story. Characters names ages, places. Picture references including pictures from the time period and other pictures that I just find inspiring (all you can find on my Pinterest board). Also all my free-writes. Before you get too excited. I don't plan showing off those free-writes.... so don't ask! 

Clothing reference. Because it's cool. :) 

Home references.... More coolness.